Posts Tagged ‘madeira’
Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

I was asked to do a cake for someone in work whose aunt had been living with her for some time, due to illness I think, and was now going back to her own home. It took me a good few days to decide what to do but I noticed a magical house cake in one of my cake books and thought I could base it on that. I think it worked out quite well and the recipient actually cried when she saw it, so I’m taking that as a compliment (or a huge insult!). The next one I’m doing is for a friends’ little boy’s second birthday and I’m going to attempt to do a cake themed on Pingu, wish me luck!
Tags: cake, colouring, food, house, icing, madeira, sponge, sugarcraft
Posted in cake | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

I have been a bit overrun in the cake department recently and it doesn’t seem like it is letting up anytime soon. This is the most recent one which was just a simple cake for a party to welcome a new baby boy into the world. I sometimes like simple, although it does draw attention to any ’slight’ mistakes you may have made. Having said that the building blocks were a bit fiddly, my hand was fixed in a claw shape after the piping and I went through about 5 metres of baking paper, making piping bags as I couldn’t quite get the consistency of the icing right. I’ll put it all down to experience and carry on with the next one.
Tags: baby, blue, cake, icing, madeira, simple
Posted in cake | 3 Comments »
Sunday, August 10th, 2008

I have been a bit busy of late and haven’t had a much of a chance to post anything on the blog so I have a bit of a backlog. I will eventually get to it but in the meantime I’ll post a picture of the birthday cake I made for the other half for his birthday.
He is a keen cyclist and has been glued to the Tour De France over the last few weeks, so I thought a stage of the tour would be a good idea for a cake. Carving an unusual shape for the mountain and icing it was most fun but making the bicycle was a bit of a chore and I eventually thought that it would be easier to make a broken bike and a rather battered, bruised and disheveled looking cyclist. Throughout the tour you notice a lot of graffiti on the road, mainly for a local terrorist separatist group and large scale male and female genitalia, but I thought it might be a tad more tasteful just to put some of the competitors names on the road instead. He was really impressed with it so I will now use this as leverage for almost any household task for the next thirty plus years.
Tags: bike, cake, cycling, icing, madeira, tour de france, yellow jersey
Posted in Naughty, cake | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

This is another cake that I made for someone in work. It was for their Grandmother’s 90th birthday and she apparently was very keen on knitting, sewing and cross stitch so I decided on a sewing box cake. The name is done in brush embroidery, which is a really nice effect where you pipe the required design and then take a very slightly damp paintbrush and drag the icing in. I am definitely getting better at the icing and having less mishaps which is good really as I’m doing my Cousin’s wedding cake in October!
Tags: birthday, butter, cake, colouring, decorating, food, icing, madeira, sewing box, sponge
Posted in Naughty, cake, triumphs | 20 Comments »
Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

These are another two cakes that I have made over the last couple of weeks for people at work. Both of them took quite a few hours of work but I’m quite pleased with how they have turned out. I generally make a madeira cake, which is tasty but also quite robust and withstands carving into various shapes. I froze the lorry cake as it makes carving in to shapes much easier so hopefully it will still taste nice. I am dropping the lorry cake off tomorrow and await the verdict.

Tags: cake, colouring, food, handbag, icing, lorry, madeira, picture, sponge
Posted in cake, triumphs | 22 Comments »