Archive for the ‘triumphs’ Category
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

There is nothing better than tucking into a really rich, chocolately, gooey brownie and they are so easy to make, so I thought I would satisfy my chocolate urge and make a batch. I tend to follow Rachel Allen’s recipe in her book Rachel’s Favourite Food but sometimes play around with the recipe. I like to put nuts into my brownies as I think they really compliment the chocolate flavour, especially hazelnuts, and help to keep them moist but I’m never sure about putting nuts into them when they are for other people as not everybody likes them (in this instance they should be taken out and shot for the weird anti-nut people they are…. just kidding, don’t write in!)
This time I just went for rich dark chocolate swirled with white chocolate and very nice they were too.
Makes about 14 large brownies
180g butter
150g good quality dark chocolate
100g good quality white chocolate
3 eggs
175g golden caster sugar
75g dark muscovado sugar
110g plain flour
tsp vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade and line a swiss roll tin (9 x 13 inch) with greaseproof paper. Melt the butter and dark chocolate in a bowl over some barely simmering water being careful not to overheat the chocolate. In another bowl melt the white chocolate then set it aside. Beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract together in a bowl until light and doubled in volume. Once melted, let the chocolate cool for a minute or two and then stir into the eggs and sugar mixture. Sift the flour and fold into the mixture then tip into the prepared tin, spreading it out to the sides. Take the white chocolate and drizzle spoonfuls over the top of the mixture and then take a skewer and swirl the white chocolate a little to make a nice pattern. Cook the brownies for about 15 to 20 minutes. They will still seem very soft and undercooked when they come out, the mixture will not spring back when you touch, it isn’t like a sponge. Everyones oven is different and it may be a bit of trial and error to begin with but that is no hardship as they will still be good to eat. Cut while still warm and take out of the tin when cool. Enjoy
Tags: brownies, chocolate, gooey, nuts, rich, white chocolate
Posted in Naughty, dessert, triumphs | 1 Comment »
Monday, July 28th, 2008
If you have enjoyed this Celebrity Masterchef series with John the Toad and Greg Whale-ass as much as I have, you will have waited with baited breath for the final. The three final contestants were really put through their paces this time, having had to cope with increasingly stressful situations with little experience. I was really impressed with Liz Mclarnon from the start and really warmed to her down to earth personality and genuine passion. I was so pleased when she won and thought it was richly deserved, although all three of them did exceptionally well. I often wonder if I could do well at something like Masterchef but I think I would crumble at the prospect of my souffle not rising and I have a problem with authoritarian chefs. I’ll just have to stick to the day job then!
Tags: Andy Peters, Celebrity masterchef, Greg Wallace, John Torode, Liz Mclarnon, Mark Moraghan
Posted in rants, triumphs | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

I made this dish last weekend with the scallops but never got round posting it. I’m still feeling a bit lazy and am knee deep in decorating so I won’t post the recipe yet unless anybody desperately requires it.
The pie was simple enough but a little time consuming making all the various components. I like a smokey flavour to a fish pie, but I couldn’t get any undyed smoked haddock or cod so I plumped for lightly smoked salmon fillets. To the salmon I added some of the scallops and a small handful of raw prawns. I would have also liked to put in some Garden peas but the freezer disappointed me. I put a couple of soft boiled eggs in, then topped it with a simple bay leaf flavoured bechamel sauce and some soft mashed potato. It was really delicious and even more flavoursome when finished it off the next day. It made me wonder why I don’t make them more often. The scallops were lovely and sweet and went so well with the smokiness of the fish. Thanks once again Nick Pledger from Island Seafare Ltd for the delicious scallops.
Tags: bay leaf, bechamel, cod, fish, haddock, pie, potato, prawns, recipe, scallops, seafood, smoked
Posted in fish, summer, triumphs | 7 Comments »
Monday, July 14th, 2008

Having seen a lot of failed attempts at Chocolate fondant puddings on Celebrity Masterchef this week, I thought I would like to give one a try. I have had shop bought ones before and relished their divine rich taste. To me they are the ultimate of decadent puddings, and the worst things for you always taste the best.
The recipe I followed from the BBC Food page seemed simple enough but I fell at the final hurdle of timings and ended up with a runny, albeit delcious, mess served with orange and vanilla ice cream. I remained undeterred, though, had another go the following night and left them in for a few minutes longer, which was much more successful but still not quite done enough. They still tasted absolutely divine, but I will keep trying until I get the perfect consistency. It’s a hard job, but somebody’s gotta do it!

Tags: chocolate, decadent, eggs, flour, fondant, food, Masterchef, orange ice cream, recipe, sugar, timings, vanilla
Posted in Naughty, dessert, disasters, triumphs | 4 Comments »
Sunday, July 13th, 2008

I have made three dishes in all with my scallops now and have one more to go. I made a fish pie last night with some of them which was really tasty but the meal I did tonight was so simple and absolutely delicious I had to share it with you first. I think this one might be a contender for entering the competition in the Isle of Man Queenie festival. This scallop dish was lovingly created thanks to the generous donation from Island seafare Ltd.

Serves 2
For the skewers:
24 fresh queenie scallops
zest of one lime
olive oil
tsp of paprika
tsp cayenne pepper
salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the Guacamole:
1 ripe avocado, cut into bite size chunks
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
3 or 4 small vine ripened tomatoes, deseeded and cut into bite size chunks
zest and juice of 1 lime
a spring onion halved and cut into small chunks
salt and freshly ground black pepper
a small handful of fresh flat leaf parsley chopped
a drizzle of olive oil
For the flatbreads:
255g self raising flour
1 tsbp of greek yoghurt
1 tbsp olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Begin by making the flatbreads. Put the flour, spices and seasoning into a bowl and make a well in the center. Add the yoghurt, olive oil and a tbsp of water and begin to bring together. Keep adding water a little at a time until the dough comes together. Knead the dough for about five minutes on a floured surface until it becomes soft and elastic. Leave to one side.
In a bowl add the scallops, lime zest and juice, paprika, cayenne pepper, a drizzle of olive oil and seasoning and mix to combine. Leave to marinade.
To make the guacamole simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
Light your BBQ and when the coals are glowing white and there is no flame left they are ready to use. Thread the scallops on to skewers.
Divide the dough into three and roll each bit out very thinly on a floured surface. Set each flatbread on the BBQ and allow to bubble up and brown lightly on each side, this should take about two or three minutes.

Set to one side and then place the scallops on the BBQ. Cook until nicely coloured all over and cooked through, then remove.

Immediately serve on the flatbreads with a spoonful of the guacamole and a little lightly dressed salad. And to drink, a chilled Pimms and lemonade. Lovely.

Tags: avocado, BBQ, cayenne pepper, chilli, cinnamon, cumin, delicious, easy, flatbreads, food, guacamole, lime zest, marinade, olive oil, paprika, salad, scallops, seafood, summer, tomatoes, yoghurt
Posted in Healthy, fish, summer, triumphs | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

When Nick Pledger from Island Seafare Ltd said he would like to send me some Queenie scallops to try I was very excited. It was all in aid of the up and coming Isle of Man queenie scallop festival and marine day which is taking place for the first time to celebrate the well loved local seafood. There is also a competition to enter your best queenie scallop recipe, with the prize being that the Hairy Bikers will cook your recipe on marine day and you will receive a personalised trophy and £100 worth of seafood.
While waiting for my exciting delivery I wracked my brains as how best to capture their subtle soft flavour and came up with a few ideas but since he very kindly sent me 1 Kilo of the little beauties I could try them all. The first one I wanted to try was a saffron risotto but I didn’t want to mix the scallops into it, I wanted to showcase them round the edge of a risotto-y mound and have some sort of butter melting over them. The presentation is a little pretentious but I think it looks good and it shows off the most important part of the dish. The taste was really good too, even if I do say so myself.
12 Queenie scallops
200g risotto rice
750ml of fish, vegetable or chicken stock
half a wine glass of white wine or vermouth
a very large pinch of saffron
a tblsp of olive oil
a stick of celery, finely chopped
1 medium onion, finely chopped
zest of an orange
40g butter
a handful of pine nuts, toasted
salt and freshly ground black pepper
smoked Maldon sea salt (optional)
extra virgin olive oil to serve.
Begin by making the butter. Coarsely chop the toasted pine nuts, place them in a bowl with the orange zest, a little seasoning and the butter and mash together with a fork. Leave to one side. Heat the olive oil in a pan over a medium heat, add the onion and celery and cook for about five minutes to soften. Stir in the rice to coat it with the oil and cook for a minute then add the vermouth or white wine and stir until it is all absorbed. Bring the stock up to simmering point and add the saffron. Start adding ladles of the stock into the rice and stir continuously until it is absorbed. Repeat the process until the rice become soft, but still retains a very slight bite. Once cooked, take the risotto off the heat, dollop half the butter on top and cover with a lid for about 10 minutes.
Take your scallops, remove the coral and toss them both separately in olive oil. Heat a frying pan over a medium to high heat and add the corals. Cook for a couple minutes until nicely coloured then stir into the risotto. Season the risotto to taste then place a mound of the risotto in the middle of a warmed plate. Take the scallops, add them to the pan and cook for about a minute on each side. Dot the rest of the butter on the top of each scallop and allow to melt. Remove from the pan and arrange around the plate, drizzling with the buttery juices from the pan and a little extra virgin olive oil. Finally crumble a few crystals of the smoked sea salt on top of each scallop and serve immediately.
Tags: butter, festival, fish stock, fried, Island Seafare Ltd, Isle of Man, olive oil, orange, pine nuts, queenie, risotto, saffron, scallop, smoked sea salt
Posted in Naughty, fish, triumphs | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

This is another cake that I made for someone in work. It was for their Grandmother’s 90th birthday and she apparently was very keen on knitting, sewing and cross stitch so I decided on a sewing box cake. The name is done in brush embroidery, which is a really nice effect where you pipe the required design and then take a very slightly damp paintbrush and drag the icing in. I am definitely getting better at the icing and having less mishaps which is good really as I’m doing my Cousin’s wedding cake in October!
Tags: birthday, butter, cake, colouring, decorating, food, icing, madeira, sewing box, sponge
Posted in Naughty, cake, triumphs | 20 Comments »
Monday, June 30th, 2008

I spotted this recipe in July’s Good Food magazine and knew that I had to try it. I love salmon and I could happily sit and eat a tin of anchovies on their own so it was definitely a recipe for me. The nice people at Good Food magazine have made my life very simple and put the recipe on their website for you to have a look at if you fancy. Give it a go, especially if it’s a nice day and you can get the BBQ on and pour yourself a glass or three or chilled white wine or beer.
Tags: anchovies, capers, easy, garlic, lentils, nice people at Good Food magazine, parsley, roasted tomatoes, sage, salmon
Posted in Healthy, fish, triumphs | 1 Comment »
Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

I have seen quite a few recipes for panna cotta recently and since I have never tried to make it, I wanted to give it a go. I found this recipe and thought it looked nice and simple and now that the strawberries in my garden were starting to blush into a vibrant red colour, I wanted to serve them with it.
I first of all made the lemon thyme sugar. I bought a bunch of lemon thyme the other day to go with squid but I don’t actually like it much in savoury things as I think it tastes a bit soapy so I wondered whether I could make something sweet with it. Basil sugar seems to be very fashionable at the minute so I thought I would try and do the same with lemon thyme.
Pick the leaves off a small bunch of lemon thyme and blitz in a blender with about 6 tablespoons of caster sugar. It should go a nice green colour but will also be a bit damp so spread it out on a baking sheet and put in a very low oven for about 10-15 minutes until it has dried out. You can then keep your sugar in a sealed container and use it whenever you like.
I made the panna cotta next and left it to cool in the fridge for an hour or so.
Next take a couple of handfuls of fresh ripe strawberries (you can pretty much use any fruit you like here) hull and halve them and put into a saucepan with a tablespoon of icing sugar and about half a tablespoon of Limoncello liqueur. Warm the berries until the juices start to run but don’t let the strawberries go too soft. Take off the heat and leave to cool.
Once the panna cotta is set, loosen it from it’s mould and turn out onto a plate, scatter the strawberries around and garnish with the lemon thyme sugar.

The texture and taste of the panna cotta was lovely but the only thing I didn’t like was that all the vanilla seeds sunk to the bottom of the mould and made the panna cotta look burnt and I also need to work on getting them cleanly out of the mould. I think my blowtorch may have to be used. I will definitely have another go at making panna cotta and might try a few different flavours too.
Tags: icing sugar, lemon thyme sugar, limencello, liqueur, mould, panna cotta, strawberries, sugar, vanilla
Posted in Naughty, dessert, disasters, triumphs | 6 Comments »
Sunday, June 1st, 2008

I was back in Northern Ireland on Thursday for a wedding. The sun shone in a cloudless sky on the day and I managed to get a little burnt, but a lot of fun was had by all. Getting on the plane early in the morning to return to Coventry we passed into cloud and a greyish day but I thought a sunny Sunday brunch would lighten the mood (especially since I came back to my eight month old car to find some git had kicked off my wing mirror!!!).
To make this, whisk up about five free range eggs with a fork. Melt a little knob of butter in a saucepan, add the eggs and over a very gentle heat, slowly fold the egg mixture. You don’t want small bouncy nuggets of scrambled egg, but a soft, creamy mixture. Cook for about ten minutes continually folding until done to your liking. Meanwhile slice soda farls into two across the way and toast until a little golden. Lay slices of smoked salmon on top of the soda bread (you could butter the soda bread if you are feeling gluttonous) squeeze a little lemon juice over the salmon and heap the scrambled egg on top. Season, drizzle with a little olive oil and garnish with a sprig of parsley (I do realise that I have put coriander on top but I didn’t have parsley). Serves two happy people.
Tags: free range eggs, lemon, parsley, salt and pepper, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, soda bread
Posted in fish, triumphs | 11 Comments »