
I have found it and I have bought it!. I have purchased the zenith of all kitchen electrical equipment, the artisan Kitchenaid food mixer (hopefully some nice attachments are winging their way to me with this plug, Kitchenaid). “You cannot have possibly bought that on ‘your’ NHS salary” you may exclaim, but don’t worry I got it on ebay for no less than £120 from a nice lady who lives in Birmingham (it made all the arguments over directions to go pick it up worth while). Sure it’s American made, I need a transformer to plug it into the mains and I have a slight worry that the difference in wattage may blow up my house, but it was a bargain!

I’m officially in love! I haven’t really made a hell of a lot with it as yet, but it’s so pretty it wouldn’t matter if I never made anything in it ever again. I will of course be using it again because not only is it pretty, it’s sturdy and does lots of cool things, like beat stuff (without the elbow grease, blood, sweat and tears).

I haven’t as yet managed to jam any appendages in it yet, as I am likely to do at some point, as I am one of, if not the, clumsiest person I know (and I want to go into cake decorating ’cause that won’t all end in tears, and a small but essential amount of swearing).

This all leads me to cooking with a disability. Last night, on the way out to aerobics (I’ve gotta work off the cake somehow) I slammed my middle finger in the, rather hefty, wooden front door (my boyfriend still maintains it was to get out of aerobics). Some stamping and tears ensued and now a rather bruised chippolata-like finger has emerged, rendering me somewhat impotent in the culinary department. You may think that calling it a disability is something of an exaggeration, but you trying jointing a chicken with an insanely sharp Japanese chef’s knife and an essential finger out of action! But, as the ever faithful Goddess, of the domestic type, (well just cooking really as I don’t scrub my front step nearly as often as I should) I struggle on and have managed to rustle up a chicken and tarragon Delia Smith dish for tonight’s dinner (I’ll let you know how that goes).

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